
A birthday-loner is a person who hates celebrating his own birthday(this is fictitious word made for a purpose and has no dictionary meaning). For an example me…

Yess me, today’s my 18th birthday and I don’t have any excitement or joy to celebrate it and it’s just like an ordinary weekend day. For all others on my surroundings have hype to celebrate their 18th special, I don’t know but I didn’t get that thought of doing that…

What you think, have you ever celebrated and been damn excited or just waitng to come that day ? Do share with me your thoughts down below…

It’s been said ;

Why celebrate a birthday (?) as it notifies us that a year has been deduced from our lifetime.

I  know some might say that ‘negative mind says so’ but technically it’s true. We are living in a superfast 21st century, in this world show-off trend is on peak. I mean seriously you all know this and witess in our day to day life, some are acceptable and some are useless in the sense. Last night I met my old friend said to me that where’s the party ? I said nothing’s happening tomorrow just casual and said that I don’t like to celebrate my own birthday’s. I was surprised of what he said to me. He literally said to me that isn’t that imbarrsing for you to face your friends without any treat to them…

What I do I say further, I mean what is this. How can a choice makes someone feel embaress. This is the situation we all face some of the other day where we have to perform some work just for the sense that what ‘others will think’ thats it. Everyone around us are in a race to be cool in some-of-the-other thing.

I don’t know what it takes to just stay real and enjoy living.

I just have one appeal at the end, that just stay real and stay proud of who we are because at the end of the day that is what only matters.